We Are
The Caroline Fund
About the Caroline Fund
Established in July 1998 in memory of Caroline Baird Crichfield, who was killed on April 11, 1998, in an incident of domestic violence, The Caroline Baird Crichfield Fund For Women in Need is one of those advocates committed both to helping women in need of crisis to lead secure, healthy, independent lives and also to assure the dignity of both sexes. The Caroline Fund has designed its grants and educational programs to assist women in creating meaningful, free lives.
The Caroline Baird Crichfield Fund for Women in Need shall help women in emergencies create independent, safe, healthy, creative, and free lives. The Caroline Fund’s purpose includes assisting women in crisis situations through grants of funds to them for their immediate needs when no other funds are available.
The funds shall be disbursed to women who need, for example, but are not limited to, shelter, utilities, nutrition, legal assistance, health care, transportation, and safety when they cannot find another way to meet these needs The Caroline Fund assists in the emergency needs of women and their families.
Mission statement
With the commitment to assist individuals, the mission of The Caroline Fund is also to promote and support community programs and ideas that value just and sustainable economies; the establishment and maintenance of safe and secure housing for all; the preservation of a healthy, safe and peaceful environment; and education of people of all ages to encourage the fulfillment of the potential of human beings to think critically and to act creatively in pursuing a world of justice, peace and beauty.

Rosanna Crichfield, President
Sandra Baird, Vice President
Grant Crichfield, Vice President and Secretary
Louise Andrews, Treasurer
Nathan Allard,Anna Blackmer,
Deb Bouton , Steve Howard,
Karen Lapan , Peggy Kadima-Mazela
Mandy McDermott, Linda Niedweske
Alan Abair
Doug Crichfield